About me



My clinic in

Etiam vulputate, nulla dapibus rhoncus pulvinar, lectus dui sollicitudin mauris, sit amet pulvinar elit arcu nec elit.


Years of personal experience in the industry

Nancy Meraz

-Psychologist Col. N 22983 COPC

-Psicóloga especializada en Psicología Clínica

-Psychotherapist, accredited member of the Spanish Federation of Psychotherapist Associations (FEAP)

-Terapeuta Psicomotriz (Práctica psicomotriz Aucouturier)

-Docente en la carrera de Psicología y tutora del Prácticum en Psicología Clínica en la Universidad la Salle (Formación Online)



I ’ve always had a great interest and passion for the human psyche, and their emotional and mental health as the pillars of personal wellbeing. That pushed me into a clinical psychologist education, which allowed to approach and guide children, adolescents, and adults in different fields. I love hearing about their lives and trying to understand their inner world. This is the origin of my desire to get education as a psychotherapist, wish is to help them to analyze, to understand and to solve their struggles.

My formal education in psychotherapy starts from a psychoanalytic orientation, where the main objective is to be able to listen and analyze the internal conflicts that create symptoms and how these maintain a close relationship with the body and mind.

On the other hand, personal analysis, supervisions, and continuous training have made me understand how important and fundamental it is to work on oneself. This is basic to be able to guide, and to help others on a better analysis of their internal world, their symptoms that generate discomfort, and their processes about those situations that produce conflicts at a social, personal, emotional, and relational level. All this, to find a solution and to facilitate an adequate treatment without labels, which makes the changes possible.

I consider that, it is fundamental to provide a space where, through listening and respecting the rhythms of each individual (child, adolescent, or adult) and families, they can express, verbalize, analyze and elaborate those situations that create conflicts and prevent them from enjoying their full potential and well-being. We must allow the unfolding of each one’s uniqueness, in which together we can repair their emotional and thinking deficiencies, to be able to produce changes by allowing them relief, resolution and elaboration.



We conduct an environmental interview

We recognize the exact type of problem

  • Degree in Clinical Psychology from La Salle University (degree approved with clinical mention by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training).
  • Psychologist Specialist in Clinical Psychology
  • Master and Postgraduate in Psychoanalytic Clinic with children and adolescents (UB, ECPNA)
  • Masters in early care and Family (UB)
  • Specialized training in educational psychomotor and therapeutic psychomotor practice from an Aucouturier practice (ASEFOP)
  • Specialized training in learning disabilities: detection, prevention, and treatment (CFCC and COPC)
  • Studying Master in Psychosomatic Clinic (SEPIA and AIPPM)